Finding international partners and markets

Search for partners

Assisting in finding partners both abroad and in Lithuania for enterprises and research institutions, who:

Search for technologies

Searching for the technologies needed, consulting on technology transfer, intellectual property protection, and other related issues.

International partnership events

Advising on opportunities to participate in international events and fairs, aiming to find partners.

Helping companies innovate


Innovation audits. Evaluating innovation management in the company and providing recommendations on management improvement by implementing technological and non-technological innovations.

Digital audits. Evaluating business processes in companies and providing recommendations for increasing their efficiency through the implementation of digital technologies.

R&D accounting

Helping companies to prepare the R&D projects’ documentation needed to receive income tax benefits and (or) to obtain state financial aid.

Tax benefits

Helping companies to receive income tax benefits to increase the efficiency of investing in innovation.

Strategic sessions on enterprise innovation

Assisting companies to prepare and implement measures increasing the company’s innovativeness.

Advising on innovation funding opportunities

National measures

Providing consultations on the possibilities to apply for co-financing of projects from the EU funds. Helping to find the most suitable funding alternative for your business or project.

International measures

Advising on the possibilities to apply for the co-financing of projects from the EU and other funds.

Innovative and pre-commercial procurement

Providing consultations for public institutions, aiming to increase the efficiency of their activities by participating in pre-commercial and (or) innovative procurement.

Helping companies to prepare proposals for participation in pre-commercial and (or) innovative procurement organized by public institutions.

Building innovation capacity

Methodical recommendations

Developing methodological guidelines based on international practice for the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of research & development & innovation activities. Advising on their application.

Knowledge sharing board

Providing expert knowledge to public institutions, business support structures, and non-governmental organizations in Europe, Africa, and Asia by developing innovation ecosystems and promoting entrepreneurship.

Innovation training

Building innovation capacity of public and private institutions, which are necessary for the purposeful and systematic management and implementation of research & development & innovation activities. Improving the skills needed to apply knowledge in practice.

Providing recommendations for innovation policy

Evaluation of policy measures and recommendations for improvement

Providing expert assistance to the public sector in shaping and implementing innovation policy and its instruments. Making recommendations in cooperation with public institutions, based on analytical activities and international practices, aiming to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the innovation ecosystem.

Facilitation of innovation ecosystem

Bringing the actors of the innovation ecosystem (business, science, government, and society) together for joint initiatives promoting sustainable development of innovation.

Strengthening the dialogue, sharing knowledge and good practice, identifying the needs and issues in different sectors, initiating collective projects.

Sectoral analysis to promote innovation

Analysing the development and potential of research & development & innovation in various sectors. Assessing economic, legal, and social elements as well as the latest technologies and market trends in various sectors and providing expert insights and recommendations to encourage their further development.

Lithuanian Innovation Centre
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities