Supporting Non-technological Innovation in Owner-managed Manufacturing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises through Increased Capacity of Business Intermediaries
The SNOwMan project focuses on SMEs, which are both owned and managed by the same person. To unleash the full potential and achieve growth, it can be useful to engage in counselling with business intermediaries. Unfortunately, the existent professional tools are not suitable for the owner-managers’ needs, thereby making it difficult to find common ground in the counselling process. Based on this, the mission of SNOwMan is to develop tools that ease the cooperation between SME owner-managers and business intermediaries. By developing a counselling toolbox, it is hoped business intermediaries will have a better premise when counselling owner-managers.
Project aims to support non-technological innovation in owner-managed manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises through increased capacity of business intermediaries.
Despite of a wide range of professional tools, most business intermediaries experience complex challenges and insufficiency when counselling SME owner-mangers. The project provides the intermediaries with new tools to improve the dialogue to be more personalized and based on trust. These tools consider owner managers’ attitudes and expectations and give the companies solutions that support their development and growth.
Project website:
Lead partner:
- (DK) VIA University College
Project partners:
- (LT) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- (LT) Vilnius Industry and Business Association (VPVA)
- (LT) Lithuanian Innovation Centre
- (DK) BusinessHorsens
- (DK) Business Development Centre Central Denmark SUCCEEDED by Business Centre/Hub Central Denmark
- (DK) Business Centre/Hub Central Denmark
- (PL) Gdansk University of Technology
- (PL) Pomerania Development Agency Co.
- (PL) Free Entrepreneurship Association, Regional Department Gdańsk
- (FI) Häme University of Applied Science Ltd.
- (FI) Federation of Finnish Enterprises in Häme
- (FI) Finnish Institute for Enterprise Management
- (DE) Hanseatic Parliament
The project is acting under Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.
Project duration: 1 October 2017 – 31 March 2021
Total project budget: EUR 2,09 M, European regional development fund
- Tautvydas Pipiras
- +370 662 98400
Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities