Reinforce Competitiveness of Regional Transport SMEs

SMEs currently employ 55% of the EU workforce in transport, and their important role in the value chain is expected to expand. The rigid value chain of the transport sector is stifling the introduction of innovation by SMEs into new vehicles and transport-related products.  RECREATE will address this market failure and focus on the opportunities that new markets offer to innovative and dynamic transport SMEs through the adaption of regional support schemes.

The project aims to improve the capacity and capability of European SMEs to develop and implement products and services more rapidly, boost SME competitiveness and growth.

Objectives will be achieved by supporting research and development, rapid development and implementation of products and services, access to finance schemes, and internationalisation opportunities.

Lead partner:

Project partners:

The project is acting under Interreg Europe programme.

Project duration: 1 June 2018 – 31 May 2023

Total project budget: EUR 1,1 M, European regional development fund

Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities