As climate change increases, so does the need for innovation to stop it. This highlights the gap between innovation growth and a sustainable way of life, which can only be reduced through strategies geared to the structures of innovation systems and regional and national economies. A smart and eco-oriented transformation of economic growth requires an assessment of existing policies, opportunities for innovation and change.
The project aims to develop policy tools for sustainable Smart Specialization innovation strategies in BSR, supporting green transformation of society and economy in ways which are aligned with the EU
Commission Green Deal.
Through LARS, the GRETA partners have developed methods to identify, analyze and overcome challenges (gaps in quadruple helixes) limiting growth. Based on LARS, the GRETA partners also have a common understanding of the importance of quadruple helix connectivity as well as experience on transnational learning, which will help them to move towards new regional objectives of green transformation and green growth. However, green transformation requires new multilevel
and cross sector forms of coordination. Accordingly, the challenge for GRETA is to build on and transform experiences with methods to support growth (LARS) with environmental targets in two areas, energy (reduction of CO2 emissions, green energy production) and circular economy.
Project website:
Project partners:
- Regional Council of Ostrobothnia (FI)
- University of Vaasa (FI)
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (LV)
- Regional Council of Päijät-Häme (FI)
- Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Institute of Economics and Rural Development (LT)
- Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LT)
The project is acting under Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.
Project duration: 2021.01.01-2021.09.30 (9 months)
Total project budget: EUR 396.910,81, European regional development fund
- Tautvydas Pipiras
- +370 662 98400
Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities