Circular procurement as a specific approach to green public procurement pays special attention to the purchase of works, goods or services that seek to contribute to the closed energy and material loops within supply chains, whilst minimizing, and in the best case avoiding, negative environmental impacts and waste creation across the whole life-cycle. The main existing barriers regarding the implementation of the circular procurement are general lack of knowledge and expertise, procedural and legal barriers, and procurers´ preconceptions about using products which are made of recycled materials, as well as lack of them. This more holistic approach is expected to create conditions that would stimulate energy and material savings, spread innovative solutions, and create markets for clean solutions and hence lead to a circular economy.
The aim of the project – promoting the transition to a more circular economy-related national and regional decision-making by increasing the implementation of the circular procurement.
Circular Procurement as a process is expected to provide conditions and criteria that would stimulate energy and material savings and closed material loops and spread innovative solutions and create markets for clean solutions.
Project website:
Lead partner:
- (FI) Kouvola Innovation Ltd
Project partners:
- (LT) Lithuanian Innovation Centre
- (IT) Piemonte Region
- (IT) University of Turin
- (EE) Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre
- (NO) Municipality of Elverum
- (HR) Development Agency IGRA
- (EL) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
- (BG) Bulgarian Association of Recycling
- (ES) Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development - Regional Government of Andalucia
- (PT) Commission for regional Development and Coordination of Alentejo
The project is acting under Interreg Europe programme.
Project duration: 1 June 2018 – 31 May 2023
Total project budget: EUR 2,2 M, European regional development fund
- Justė Rakštytė-Hoimian
- +370 694 39886
Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities