The project “Baltic Sea Game Incubation – Piloting Network Activities to Foster Game Incubation in the BSR” (BSGI) is an extension to the regular project “Baltic Game Industry – Empowering a Booster for Regional
Development” (BGI) lead by BGZ Berlin International Cooperation Agency GmbH.

This project aims to enhance business support of game incubators through strategic transnational collaboration with other game incubators in the BSR. Joining forces in transnational cooperation will significantly raise the impact on industry development as opposed to acting alone.
BGI outputs formulated pertinent recommendations to enhance institutional incubation capacity in transnational contexts, proposing practical solutions which are being piloted in BSGI.


More information:

The aim of the project is to enhance business support of game incubators through strategic transnational collaboration with other game incubators in the BSR. Joining forces in transnational cooperation will significantly raise the impact on industry development as opposed to acting alone.

Lead partner:


Duration – 2021.01.01 – 2021.09.30 (9 months)

Budget – 749,695.57 Eur

Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
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