
Better Paper Packaging Management

The European paper packaging market is quickly growing due to changing consumer behavior. This project addresses the importance of multiple use of resources and crosssectoral and cross-border approaches to facilitate the transition to the sustainable circular economy and its impact on climate change mitigation in the Baltic Sea region. The goal is to keep the packaging in its form in use for as long as possible to extend the life cycle of the packaging materials and thus facilitate the shift from linear to circular resource use. The challenge is to develop supply chains that either are reversible or can provide a resources for the next supply chains. Existing procedures need to be adopted to the new approach and these solutions need optimization to be efficient and economically feasible taking into account diversity of the market conditions within the region and across the branches.

This initiative is a preparation of a full-scale project to be implemented and financed under the Interreg South Baltic Programme. The seed money will allow building a strong project consortium able to investigate and demonstrate new innovative solutions and business models. This implies identification the complementary partners and arranging meetings to discuss the goals and details of the main project. It will enable conducting research in order to review and compile previous and ongoing activities and developing networks with stakeholders.

Project coordinator:

Project partners:

Project is funded by the Interreg South Baltic programme.

Project duration: 2023.05.01 – 2023.08.31

Project budget: 40 000 Eur

Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities