Excellent Laser Technologies for the Sustainable Prosperity of Europe

Central Bohemian Region (Czech Republic) and Lithuania represent European regions, where researchers in the photonics, resp. laser technologies sectors are internationally recognised, and the business has a high added value. The interaction between science and business is intense and promotes development, so there is great potential to create new companies. There are opportunities to create a new generation of industry based on laser technologies, and there is an increasing potential to create more integrated solutions. The inclusion of laser technologies in the priorities of smart specialization of both regions shows that this sector has a huge potential for further development and improvement.
On the other hand, the main challenge in this area is the creation of the photonics and laser technology sector, where operating companies would produce products with higher added value and exceptional functionality. Thus, the Excellence Hubs initiative represents a unique opportunity for a teaming up of two laser-based innovation ecosystems creating a real-place-based innovation culture in the Czech Republic and Lithuania. Through activities such as the creation of a joint R&I strategy, the realization of joint research projects, setting up action and investment plans as well as mutual learning and skills development, the linkages between academia, business, government, and society will be strengthened, and sustainable R&I ecosystem in the cutting-edge domain of lasers and their applications will be created.
Project coordinator:
- Fyzikalni Ustav Av Cr V.V.I (CZ)
Project partners:
- Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LT)
- State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (LT)
- Stredoceske Inovacni Centrum Spolek (CZ)
- Cesky Opticky Klastr, Zs (CZ)
- Cardam Sro (CZ)
- Star Research And Innovation Cluster Zu (CZ)
- Amires Sro (CZ)
- Innovation Agency Lithuania (LT)
- Lithuanian Laser Association (LT)
- Akoneer, Uab (LT)
- Junior Achievement Lithuania (LT)
- Novinano Lab (UA)
- Lviv Polytechnic National University (UA)
- Limited Liability Company Scientific Park Of Lviv Polytechnic National University (UA)
- Junior Achievement Ukraine (UA)
Project is funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe No.: 101186838).
Project duration: 2025.01.01 – 2028.12.31
Project budget: 5 999 987,50 Eur
- Vytautas Kalinauskas
- +370 624 86619
- Ignas Šlapkauskas
- +370 699 20229

Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities