GoSmart BSR

Strengthening smart specialisation by fostering transnational cooperation and practical application of novel solutions for regions and SMEs

The GoSmart&Excel BSR project focuses on enhancing capacity of innovation actors in the Baltic Sea Region (and beyond) to practically and jointly apply the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) approach.

The project partnership tackles the common challenge of limited innovativeness and internationalisation among regional and national SMEs by:
– developing Transnational S3 document for the BSR, based on a jointly applied methodology (under the GoSmart BSR project), and
– continuing the development and expansion the Transnational Innovation Brokerage System which supports SMEs to undertake innovation-based internationalisation in the form of pragmatic and ‘smart’ joint strategies (SMEs Joint Transnational Smart Strategies).

Consequently, within the project, the relatively low capacity for innovation in less developed BSR countries and regions is augmented by: mutual learning, translating S3 into practical SMEs joint actions, and employing best practices from more developed regions. The project is fully integrated within S3 approach and aims to foster effective cooperation in transnational approach between the industry, R&D sector and public authorities.

Project website: https://gosmartbsr.eu/

Lead partner:

Project partners:

The project is acting under Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.

Project duration: 1 April 2021 – 31 December 2021

Total project budget: EUR 770’860, European regional development fund

Lithuanian Innovation Center
Organization code 110066875
Data is collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities